Language Lover Katja My name is Katja and I am an experienced escort; I have enjoyed every second of my journey meeting new people. Confident and determined, I am told this natural charisma makes me one of the most striking escorts on the scene. Trust me, I know I’ll show you a time to remember! It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. I guess the thing I am most proud of is the fact I can speak six languages: French, English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, and German. I am a translator by trade but I get most pleasure out of meeting new people- especially if they have a love for learning about new cultures like me! Trying new food, exploring new towns, and learning new skills are all the reasons I am fascinated by the world. Like what you see and intrigued by what you read? Contact Escort Beauties to find out if I really am as smart and sexy as I’ve made out…